Since its debut in 2004, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Diego State University has grown from 16 students to nearly 750 members — adults age 50+ who share a love of learning and discovery. Over the years, we’ve hosted hundreds of lectures, courses, workshops, book clubs, special events, and off-campus Edventures for our students.

With your support as a business sponsor, Osher can continue to expand and grow to meet the interests of those we serve while maintaining our standards of affordability and curriculum quality.

At the same time, business sponsors can promote their brand among this vibrant community of San Diegans who come from a variety of professional career fields and life experiences, are leaders and contributors in a vast array of community organizations, and represent substantial spending power.

In addition to the benefits listed in the Sponsorship Levels below, initial business sponsors will be highlighted as a "challenge" donation in our STRIVE fundraising campaign, which will take place this spring. Your generosity will be highlighted on our website, in our catalog, and in all STRIVE campaign communiqués, which are sent to a network of over 20,000 SDSU alumni.

Osher at SDSU's Reach

  • Email list: 2,200 (members, past members, guest attendees, and inquirers)
  • Alumni list: 20,000 (includes graduates + anyone who attended classes at SDSU)
  • Catalogs: 15,000 (digital and printed copies)
  • Catalog distribution: Local libraries, fitness centers, retirement communities
  • SDSU Global Campus website: 250,000+ pageviews per month
  • Facebook followers: 650+
  • Semester Kickoff Event held in spring and fall: Approximately 100 attendees at each
  • Speakers Bureau presentations: Approx. 10 per year (reaching up to 1,000 community members)

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum: $5,000

  • Full-page ad in all three annual catalogs (summer, fall, spring terms) curriculum each semester.
  • Invitation to host a table at two kickoff events (fall and spring terms)
  • Recognition in each catalog’s Sponsor List, our website, and Facebook page

Gold: $2,500

  • Half-page ad in two catalogs
  • Invitation to host a table at one kickoff event (fall or spring term)
  • Recognition on the Sponsor List of two catalogs, our website, and Facebook page

Silver: $1,500

  • Quarter-page ad in two catalogs
  • Invitation to host a table at one kickoff event (fall or spring term)
  • Recognition on the Sponsor List of two catalogs, our website, and Facebook page

Bronze: $500

  • Quarter-page ad in one catalog
  • Recognition on the Sponsor List of one catalog, our website, and Facebook page

Course and Event Sponsor: $750

Sponsor a course or event related to your business. For example, a furniture store or home improvement-related business might sponsor a furniture/woodworking workshop, or a transportation-related business might sponsor a course on the history of public transportation in San Diego.

Your business name will be displayed with the course description in the course catalog, on the website, flyers, Facebook, and all marketing materials.

To become a business sponsor or for more information, contact Precious Jordan-Talley, Osher Program Manager, at or (619) 594-1227.